Self Discovery

  • Descoperirea De Sine


Poate că ai simțit că îți dorești să poți să găsești cuvintele potrivite pentru a exprima ceea ce simți, dar nu știi de unde să începi să clădești încrederea pentru a putea face asta?. 

Poate vrei să ai cuvintele bune la tine în orice situație, fie că vorbim de întâlniri de afaceri importante sau întâlniri romantice sub cerul înstelat mai des decât o faci deja?. 

Then we can help you! See below for details…


We offer support to discuss the above topics in more depth…

add some explanation of these services and their benefits

GroupSmall groupIndividual
One session per weekWeekly sessions, with a choice of timesWeekly, at a time that fits your schedule
Webinar with text chatGroup video callPersonal video call
1.5 hours2 hours1 hourpersonalised to you = most efficient use of your time
Maximum 20 participantsMaximum 5 participantsJust you
Led by a relationships expert, qualified in PsychologyLed by a relationships expert, qualified in PsychologyTalk one-to-one with a relationships expert, qualified in Psychology
Pre-established topics from  questions submitted by you in advance by email, or during the session via text chatDiscuss challenges you and other members of the group are facing, via video callFocus on your individual situation and receive personalised advice
Hear a diverse range of challenges and experiences, and ways to tackle themEngage in a deeper discussion of common challengesGet the expert help you need to tackle the challenges you are facing
50 RON per week100 RON per week300 RON per week

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