Activities at econstellations festival

9 – 10 JULY, 2022



As we only received a very small number of registrations from people who aren’t comfortable speaking Romanian, we have decided to not translate everything, and that sessions will be run in Romanian unless everyone understands English.

Also this page will no longer be updated – for the latest times and activities, see the Romanian version.

sustainability challenges & opportunities

Ask me anything: “Traveling around Europe without flying”
Workshop: “what we can learn from the old to bring into the present” – explore the wisdom of the old tales and people’s life with the land back in the older times.
Solving climate change with Lego: An interactive workshop based on the Lego Serious Play method, focused on debating climate change and individual action. Join to enjoy an interactive activity and share ideas with peers.
Talk and discussion: Sustainable, circular, ethical fashion
Discussion: Environment, energy, economic growth
Climate Collage: a 3 hours experience in which collectively (4-7) we are learning about climate change in a playful way. We reflect on our mission as human beings to change something at a scale where we are capable and comfortable to take initiative. The game is scientifically based on the IPCC report and was created in France.

feeling the reality: emotional experiences of ecological action

Workshop: “Reconnecting to hope” – from eco-anxiety to deep love for the world and finding hope
Workshop: “Verse for Earth” – a freewriting creative workshop to help us channel our love and concern for the planet in words
Workshop: “Pictures of the times we’re living” – blending images and words into our own feelings and perspectives about the challenges and opportunities we face through visual poetry
Sensorial Improv workshop: “Our Life with the Earth” – co-create a story about how the life on this planet that we call home can be, if we come together with kindness and respect for all life
Installation: “wall of shadows” – a simple interactive installation that will guide you to embody and express the things that you feel for the environment (be it human or non-human), alone or with others, in a nonverbal way

skills for effective social change & sustainable business

Presentation & discussion: “Sustainable solutions to real problems” – an introduction to understanding customer needs
Discussion: “Systems are all around us. How can we understand and influence them?”
Atelier: GROK este un set de cărți de joc creat cu scopul de a încuraja înțelegerea reciprocă, ascultarea și conectarea într-o formă interactivă și captivantă. La nivel practic, GROK vă poate îmbunătăți relațiile și poate oferi ajutor în rezolvarea conflictelor. La nivel intuitiv, GROK promovează inteligența socială și emoțională și ne dă ocazia să ne exersăm ascultarea empatică.
Workshop: “Everything is connected” – experiential introduction to a systemic understanding of ourselves, our communities, our ecosystems and our planet
Discussion: Dealing with emotions in entrepreneurship
Discussion: How to have authentic relationships in your team

long term action without the burnout: health & wellbeing

Workshop/talk: “mental and emotional health in times of many crises” – an integrative approach
Embodiment workshop: “one step away from fear, one step closer to hope” – live the things that we are grateful for, the things that scare us, and also explore how to take one step towards the thing that we ache and hope for
Contact improvisation
Intuitive drawing
Movement to music. Dance elements combined with aerobics – Exercise elements with body weight – Combat elements – all to music and choreographed.
Discussion: Emotional growth and awareness
Yoga workshop
Art-journaling workshop
Discussion: Happiness and mental health
Workshop: Acro-Yoga – in this workshop we will include elements of interior-balance, breathing, connection with others and with nature.

We will send you the full programme with times and locations by email, as soon as we have the final programme.

Please note: Each activity has a minimum and maximum number of participants. Sign up now to register your interest!

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